Back Feeding Neutral When Grid Comes on

  • #1

I'm having a problem with my hybrid inverter all in one because I have the mains grid connected to the AC input in the machine and the AC output connected to the rest of the house which don't have connection to the main grid so everything work through the inverter the problem is that if the AC input is connected and the batteries are connected to the machine say an error code that the inverter AC output backfeed to bypass AC input. I don't know why


  • #2

Can you post pictures of your wiring setup?

  • #3

Can you post pictures of your wiring setup?

  • #4


the yellow cable that's goes from the outside plug to the machine it's the AC input and the red cables that goes from the machine plug to the cables that supply the house are the AC output the cables that are connected to the AC output they are not connected to the main grid.

so the connection goes like this mains grid—> outside breakers—> outside yellow plug—>Ac input—> Ac output—> inside red plug —> house inside breakers—> and finally the house

everything work fine I follow the instructions of one of the videos of the creator of this forum and some instructions someone write on this forum. But something it's wrong because it's telling me that the inverter AC output it's backfeeding yo bypass Ac input that happens when I connected the batteries but the outside breakers are off so the machine don't have Mains grid electricity. But if I connect the batteries having the outside breaker on so the machine have mains grid electricity via the Ac input the error is that inverter overcurrent hardware protection.


  • #5

It sounds like the inverter is sensing it's own output on the input.
Perhaps one breaker is feeding the inlet you have setup for the inverter?

  • #7

It sounds like the inverter is sensing it's own output on the input.
Perhaps one breaker is feeding the inlet you have setup for the inverter?

No because I even turn off the breaker on the outside so everything it's without energy from the main and even if I turn off that breaker but I leave the Ac input connected it's gave me the error the machine only work well if I disconnec the Ac input. It's is possible that the problem would be the ground ? Because I have the Ac input plug the one that was on yellow on the photo have the ground of that plug connected to the same ground of the house and the same ground of the main grid in the original buss bar of the main grid that goes literally to the ground


  • #8

Only way to know is to see exactly what you have connected and where they route to.
It is possible, further detailed pics could find the problem.

  • #9

Only way to know is to see exactly what you have connected and where they route to.
It is possible, further detailed pics could find the problem.

Everything in blue it's the connection of the Ac input everything in red is the Ac output and everything in green are the grounds as u can see they are 5 ground in the same connection the Ac input, Ac output, house ground, the meter, and the ground going to the ground literally


  • #10

That looks correct.
Let's see the connections inside the inverter.

  • #11

That looks correct.
Let's see the connections inside the inverter.

The ground of the output it's outside in that screw the only thing that's I found weird it's that the plug and the cables on the inverter are not the same because when I first installed the green cable is the ground in the console outside so I put it as a ground in the inverter to but that give me a problem and the machine don't work. So the green is the ground in the Ac input outside plug and in the cable that goes from the house to the Ac output plug but the green is the live in the machine and the white is the ground I need to put them like that because is I put the green as a ground and the white as the live cable the first time I put them like that the machine make a sound like compressed air and stop working and if I put the Ac output cables on the machine using the green as ground it make sparks everything I try to connected


  • #12

Shut off the mains breaker.
You have 240 feeding a 120 input. And you have ground and neutral interchanged.
Everything is so crisscrossed, and mixed up we need to connect this correctly, and in order.


  • #13

First, there should never be power used on a green or bare conductor.

green is for ground ONLY. Not neutral, and certainly not for hot.

shut off the inverter.
Shut off the main breaker.
Disconnect everything from the inverter.
Label input and output in the pictures exactly as it is labeled on the inverter.

  • #14

Shut off the mains breaker.
You have 240 feeding a 120 input. And you have ground and neutral interchanged.
Everything is so crisscrossed, and mixed up we need to connect this correctly, and in order.

What would be the process because I'm so lost if you can help me because I been searching the web and nothing help. I initially connect everything as label the green was ground and white was hot but when I connect the Ac input the machine go crazy so I needed to remove everything


  • #15

It is going crazy because you are feeding 240V into a 120V inverter.


  • #16

First things first.
Disconnect one of the wires from the main breaker.
Let's ONLY use one leg of the mains.
Your home has 2 hots. This inverter can only output one.


  • #17

Shut everything off.

inverter and main breaker.

unhook all wires.

Take new pictures where we can clearly see their path.

White and green should ONLY be hooked to the neutral/ground bar in the main panel.

black will go to L and to one leg only of the main breaker.

  • #18

It is going crazy because you are feeding 240V into a 120V inverter.

You mean this outlet I disconnect one of this cables the black or the white ? And you mean that the black wire in this is not neutral it's a hot wire to like the white 6091AE73-9C58-4351-95E3-F8DA00E8FD5F.jpeg


  • #19

You are feeding two hots into an inverter with only one hot input.


  • #20

At the panel. Keep all colors the same.
White and green must go to the neutral/ground bar.
Black goes to ONE leg of the main breaker.

at the inverter
Put the black wire on L
Put the white wire on the N
Put the green wire on the G earth terminal.

do the same for the ac output.

We need to see how you have the plugs and outlets wired, because that ALSO must match.


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