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Corid Solution®

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Used as a prevention and treatment solution for coccidiosis. Very helpful in stressful conditions for young animals. Use at times of weaning, transporting, docking, castrating, etc.




Not available for sale or shipment to California residents. Available for sale in the US only. Cannot ship to PO Boxes or APO military addresses.

Common Uses

An aid in the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and E. zurnii in calves.


  • 9.6% oral solution coccidiostat
  • Active Ingredient: amprolium...9.6%

How to Use

Treatment (in drinking water): Add to drinking water at the rate of 16 fl oz/100 gal. At the usual rate of water consumption this will provide an intake of approximately 10 mg amprolium/kg (2.2 lb) body weight. Offer as sole source of water for 5 days.

Prevention (in drinking water): Add to drinking water at the rate of 8 fl oz/100 gal. At the usual rate of water consumption this will provide an intake of approximately 5 mg amprolium/kg (2.2 lb) body weight. Offer as sole source of water for 21 days.

Treatment (as a drench): Add 3 fl oz. to 1 pt of water and, with a dose syringe, give 1 fl oz of this solution for each 100 lb body weight. This will provide a dose of approximately 10 mg ampolium/kg (2.2 lb) body weight. Give daily for 5 days.

Prevention (as a drench): Add 1.5 fl oz to 1 pt of water and, with a dose syringe, give 1 fl oz of this solution for each 100 lb body weight. This will provide a dose of approximately 5 mg amprolium/kg (2.2 lb) body weight. Give daily for 21 days.

Store above temperatures above 41°F


Withdrawal prior to slaughter—24 hours. See additional information on label. See warning and cautions on label. For oral use in animals only.


Listed below are recommended optional components or related items. Your particular situation may require alternative recommendations. Please call and talk to our consultants if there are any questions at 800-282-6631.


Average Rating:

5 out of 5

Number of reviews: 5 customers reviewed this product.

Recommended: 5 out of 5 said they would recommend this product to a friend.

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Corid Solution®

It was a little more expensive than going to the store but I could get it much faster by having it delivered because I don't drive to town for 1 item. It worked super fast on my chickens. Went to not losing any within 24 hours. Great product and great price.

Corid Solution®

I had been all over town looking for Corid. Same for my dad who lives 3 hrs away. We both ordered and had it in hand in two days! Faster than Amazon!

Corid Solution®

Liked you can buy a gallon. Always need for goats. Good to have on hand.

Corid Solution®

We have a small flock of twenty three sheep. Adding it to their water once a year seems to work. A few years ago we had a problem and our vet suggested it, and the results were immediate. As I stated we now use it once a year, and have not had a problem.

Corid Solution®

December 3, 2019

Ordering was a breeze and product did what it was supposed to do. Thank you!